Topcat Aircraft Database Update
Topcat Aircraft Database Update

Topcat Aircraft Database Update

FAQ’s about TOPCAT is featured on their website however I thought it would be helpful to post some of this information in this review. TOPCAT is similar to real-life software and was developed by professional airline pilots. TOPCAT will provide you, the captain, with Load Sheets, Take-Off and Landing performance analysis, Individual Runway Tables including all relevant speeds (V1, VR and V2), optimum thrust and flaps configurations, de-rated and assumed/flex temperatures and stop margins. It brings into a single application all of the calculations required to plan for safe and repeatable take-offs and landings. Download Size: 10 MB Format: Download Simulation Type: FS9/FSX Reviewed by: AVSIM Staff Reviewer - JIntroduction What is TOPCAT? TOPCAT is an acronym for Take-Off and Landing Performance Calculation Tool and is a highly realistic, easy-to-use planning tool for all serious flight simulator enthusiasts. Product Information Publishers: Description: Scenery add-on. Although the staff confirmed it’s first on their to-do list for TOPCAT. PFPX comes with a large aircraft database ranging from Airbus. Product information 'Professional Flight Planner X'. Topcat Aircraft Database Update Required Rating: 6,5/10 3487votes

Topcat Aircraft Database Update